A very popular scramble just outside Canmore.

Quick Stats

  • Round Trip Distance: 8.8Km
  • Height Gain: 1381m
  • Round Trip Time:
  • Kane Ratting:
    • West Ridge – Easy
  • Resources:
    • Scrambles in the Canadian Rockies
    • Kananaskis Trail Guide Volume 3
Who would have thought that a last-minute trip up Grotto Mountain would end up with me having pictures from the trip published in a Kananaskis guidebook?
There are at least 4 routes up Grotto mountain. Much has been written about all of them, so I won’t include much route detail. This is the ACC route. After leaving the tree line, the slope and ridge to the summit is obvious.
Typical terrain along the ridge to the summit.
Ohhhh a flower… of some kind.
The ascent ridge in the background. This picture made it into the Kananaskis trail guide book.
Over the window / bridge. A small portion of Canmore can be viewed through the window.
Snow can persist well into the summer. You would not want to slip and go for a ride here.
The Final blocks before the summit. This picture is also featured in Gillean Daffern’s 5 book guide to Kananaskis Country trails. You may be wondering how these pictures ended up in a guidebook. Gillean put out a request for some specific pictures, I had a number that met the requirements and sent them her way. I got a signed copy of the guidebook in exchange for the pictures. And here you are, getting to see them for free!
And on the summit. In the earlier days of summit photography, I was trying out different ideas before settling on the traditional summit selfie. Here we have the summit captain pose, which didn’t last.
Not surprisingly there are excellent views down on the town of Canmore.
One last look at the ascent ridge before heading back down. There are multiple routes up Grotto and you can make a large loop with them but today, we are heading back down the same way we went up.


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