Relatively short trip in outstanding surroundings. Good luck getting a parking spot.

Quick Stats

  • Distance: 3Km
  • Height Gain: 520m
  • Round Trip Time: 2.5h
  • Kane Rating: Easy Scramble
  • Resources: Scrambles in the Canadian Rockies – Kane Edition
View of mount Babel as you approach the Moraine Lake parking lot. The tower of Babel is the cylindrical tower in front of Mount Babel. What was named first? Mount Babel or the tower?
From the parking lot, you skirt around the back of the Moraine Lake rock pile and head toward the tower. Follow the scree gully on the right-hand side of the tower. The trail should be obvious.
Trail up the gulley. This feature funnels loose rocks right onto your path. In order to avoid having parties above you, start out early. If you are above another party, be very careful not to dislodge rocks. A helmet is a must here, and will also make you look cool.
As you gain elevation, the terrain gets steeper. Staying to the left or right side is a good idea. It is like a bowling alley. Except you are the pins and the balls are boulders the size of microwaves.
The last scrambly bit you have to clear before reaching the col. In 2013, a person fell here and tumbled 200m down the chute. They suffered a concussion and had to be heli-slung out. Wear your helmet and pick your route carefully.
When you reach the top of the scree gulley, hang a left and head toward the summit.
Mount Temple steals the show as you approach the flat top of the tower. More on Temple here:
Massive summit Carin, which can even be seen from the parking lot. People have spent a good deal of time building structures on top of the Tower. 50min from car to Summit.
Including this living room set that includes a Flintstones inspired TV.
And this couch and coffee table. Which is the perfect spot for the traditional summit selfie. The tower of Babel was first named in 1899 by Walter Wilcox as it reminded him of the biblical tower of Babel. The mountain behind me, was named Mount Babel after the tower.
Not surprisingly in this neighborhood, the views are fantastic.
Constellation lakes and Panorama peak make an appearance in the other direction.
A look down at the parking lot and tourists at Moraine Lake. To see it empty, click here:
One last look to enjoy the views then it is time to head back down again. The return journey is the same way as the ascent.

1 Comment

Shawn Bags Castle Junction to Moraine Lake Bike – Banff National Park – Trip Bagger · December 28, 2021 at 10:57 pm

[…] side of the pile, you can get a pretty nice view of the tower of babel. More on that summit here: One last moment to enjoy the views at Moraine lake, then a fast descent back down the road! After […]

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