Classic right outside Canmore.

Quick Stats

  • Distance: 15.5Km
  • Height Gain: 1500m
  • Round Trip Time: ?
  • Kane Ratting: Easy
  • Resources: Scrambles in the Canadian Rockies
View of the Three Sisters Mountain in Canmore. Today, we are heading up the middle Sister, which is the peak in the middle (how clever!).
The day starts with a hike up Stewart Creek. I rode a bike as far as I possibly could to speed up the journey. The creek seems to go on forever.
At least I had some company on the way up.
Finally, out of the creek and above tree line.
This is the same area just two weeks previous where excessive snow had me turn around.
View of the Middle Sister on the way up. The route heads up the valley past the middle sister then follows an angled ramp back toward the summit.
View of the little sister on the way up.
And on the summit. Traditional summit selfie.
View of Canmore from the top.
View from the summit.
View of the biggest Sister. Appears to be some weather heading my way.
Traditional snowstorm summit selfie. Time to head back down!


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