One of the tallest mountains in the area will almost guarantee great views, weather permitting.
Quick Stats
Distance: ~10km
Height Gain: ~1400m
Round Trip Time:
Kane Ratting: Easy
Resources: Scrambles in the Canadian Rockies
After hiking through the forest and getting above tree line, the summit is still a long way off. Onward!Only just starting the journey and the views are already very good.Passing Reads tower along the way. Note to self, head back to Reads tower someday.
Approaching the summit block from the south side.
Almost on the summit. Looking back down at the group of hikers from the Calgary Outdoor club I passed on the way up. Traditional Summit Selfie!While standing on the summit this helicopter circled around me a couple times. It was close enough that I could see the people inside waving and taking pictures of me. I did the same, being careful to use the correct waving technique (seriously, see this link: helicopter then carried on to Canmore, I assume ferrying hikers from Assiniboine. Sparrowhawk is tall enough that you can see Calgary in the distance. Spray Lakes from 10,240 feet. Looking down spray lakes in the other direction.When you are done soaking in the views, return is back down the same way.On the way back down, I took a picture of a repeater shack for my nerd friends. Folded dipole antennas here. Back in 2010 they would leave the building unlocked so you could shelter in an emergency. Not sure if that is still the situation. Some thoughtless individual left a beer can on the trail. Which of course I collected to bring back for recycling.
1 Comment
Shawn Bags Mount Lougheed – Kananaskis - Trip Bagger · April 24, 2022 at 7:31 pm
[…] is below, and the imposing face of Mount Sparrowhawk is behind it. More on Mount Sparrowhawk here: After passing through the cliff bands, you need to head up on the left and then traverse over to […]