Mount Livingstone is located in South Kananaskis which makes it a good peak to summit when conditions aren’t as favourable to the North. The route for today will be up the right hand side to the false summit (peak on the right) then over to the true summit (flat peak on the left).
If you have a high clearance vehicle (or a rental car of any clearance) you can drive down this access road to get closer to the base of the mountain. If not, it s a pretty easy hike and only adds about 1.6Km each way.
This guy was hanging out on the side of the road as we approach the mountain.
Along the ridge you can occasionally find a very faint trail, but over all, the route is obvious (go up).
As you get above tree line the views start to open up. Unfortunately, they allow logging in this area, as you can see. The lumber they used to build your house has to come from somewhere I suppose.
Looking in the other direction toward the false summit. This classic Simpsons clip explains exactly how I feel about false summits: Homer Climbs the Muderhorn
From the false summit it appears that the true summit is guarded by a good sized cliff. I’ve learnt over the years that things are not always as they seem from afar and head over for a closer look.
Up closer it still looks like a tough time but in reality it was a very easy scramble up and over the cliff. There is even an easy ramp like gully on the right hand side.
After scrambling up the cliff band I’m on the Summit! Traditional Summit Selfie!
As I take in the views on the wide flat summit I spot something in the distance. Is that another cairn I see on the Horizon? (Look carefully in the photo on the left). I have no choice but to run over and check it out.
As I get closer it becomes obvious, that is a massive cairn and must be the summit. Finally!
Real Summit Selfie….. kind of. Although this summit has the biggest cairn on it, it is actually slightly lower in elevation than the first summit. Confused yet?
Whatever…. Just take in the views from the “Summit”.
The giant Cairn makes another appearance. The true summit can be seen in the background (it only has a small cairn, makes sense right?).
Because Mount Livingstone is right on the front ranges you get a nice view of the rolling foothills.
I took the same ridge back down as the ascent. I’m told there are numerous other routes both up and down this mountain however. The old trees make for some neat scenery.
Oh yeah, my dad joined me on this trip. Being the good Son I am this is the only photo I took of him. He will appreciate not having his picture plastered all over the internet anyway.


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