Quick hike with great views to effort ratio. Perfect for the shoulder seasons.

Quick Stats

  • Distance: 8Km Roundtrip
  • Height Gain: 770m
  • Round Trip Time: 2h39m
  • Resources: Google
Recently, Little Lougheed has seen an increase in popularity, likely because it’s a straight forward ascent and offers some great views. I figured I’d join the crowd and put up some info. Little Lougheed is seen here on the approach from the spray lakes road.
If you’re heading to Little Lougheed, Park here. It isn’t marked but is about 24.5Km from Canmore at Spencer Creek (which isn’t marked on most maps).
Almost immediately after starting up you pass this awesome little creek. The picture doesn’t really do a good job of showing the green moss everywhere. This in itself would be a good destination. More on Spencer creek here: https://www.tripbagger.com/2020/08/29/shawn-bags-spencer-creek-kananaskis/
Shortly after the mossy creek, the trail connects with the High Rockies trail (link below) and follows it for a while. You turn off the high Rockies onto the little Lougheed trail at this cairn, which I somehow missed and walked right by. Eventually, I realized I was heading the wrong way, turned around and found the cairn. https://www.tripbagger.com/2016/06/10/shawn-bags-the-high-rockies-trail-kananaskis/
After following the trail for a while, you hit a boulder field. You have two options, boring but faster trail on the right or fun scrambling up the boulders, you know what has to be done.
The view from the boulder slope isn’t bad at all!
After leaving the boulder field, the summit of Little Lougheed comes into view on the left. Not too much further now.
On the way up the impressive summit of Mount Lougheed comes into view. I make a mental note to climb Mount Lougheed sometime in the future, file that under foreshadowing. https://www.tripbagger.com/2019/08/18/shawn-bags-mount-lougheed-kananaskis/
Speaking of views, the view of the Spray lakes valley is spectacular as you gain elevation.
As the trail pops out of the trees the final summit block comes into view. Not much longer at all now.
The last few steps until reaching the summit (which I’ve obviously already been to, as you can see my backpack sitting up there).
The view from up here isn’t bad at all. Considering the short approach and ease of access this little peak is an impressive hike.
Traditional summit selfie!
Looking North Up the Valley
One last picture then it’s time to leave as my fingers are frozen and I can no longer work the camera properly.


ted · May 14, 2022 at 8:38 pm

Very nice!

Gloria · May 19, 2022 at 1:59 pm

Another wonderful trip through your eyes. I always enjoy your pictures and commentary.

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