Whenever the topic of the Cayman Islands comes up in conversation, I always get asked the same question: How is the diving, snorkeling, swimming etc…? Wonder no more friends, I took some pictures!

Second most asked question is about offshore tax avoidance strategies. That is a post for a different day
Before even getting in the water, a sting ray swims by the dock. I’m not worried though because I put on sunscreen. If your wondering how that works, read the back of a sunscreen bottle, it says “protects you from harmful rays”. I figure that should work just fine.

Disclaimer… this is a joke!
Okay, enough safety precautions, lets go for a swim. Sergeant Major here. I’ve read that if you get too close to a Sergeant majors’ eggs, it will turn blue and try to attack you.
Snapper here…. I think, does anybody know for sure?
Spotted sharp-tail eel. Initially, I figured this was some kind of sea-snake but apparently there are no sea snakes in the Cayman’s.
Look carefully to see this one. Peacock Flounder hiding on the bottom. When a peacock flounder is born, they have eyes on either side of the fish. But as they mature, one eye moves, and they end up with both eyes on the left side of the fish. Peacock flounders can change their colors in order to blend in with their surroundings. (click for larger image)
Eagle Ray here. Yes, they have venomous spines on their tails, but they will only use it if they feel threatened. They can grow to weigh up to 500lbs!
Squirrel fish is the red one. If you look left of it, the blue with vibrant blue spots is a yellow tail damsel fish. I’m told that squirrel fish is not very tasty to eat. I haven’t tried myself… yet. They are nocturnal which is why it has such giant eyes and tends to hide in the reefs during the day.
Yellow tail snapper or yellow goatfish, not sure.
Blue Tang. This is one of the most common fish you will encounter in the Caymans. Although they will stay away from humans, they do have poisonous spiked fins and will stab you if they feel threatened. I’ve read it is extremely painful but not fatal to humans, different story if you are a small fish. You can also get poisoned by eating them, so not recommended to consume.
Black Durgon, possibly.
Rainbow Parrot Fish. Parrot fish have strong beak like teeth and are able to eat the hard-coral reefs. You can even hear them crunching up reef under water. Bonus fact, they then poop sand. They also have the ability to change their sex if there are too many males or females in their group.
Human, possibly female.
Caribbean Spiny lobster. Fun fact, they are delicious!
Bluehead wrasse. Believe it or not, these fish are carnivores and will eat parasites off larger fish. Larger fish know this and will visit a Bluehead when they need a cleaning.
School Master Snapper. Although they have large upper teeth that stick out like fangs, their mouths don’t open very wide, so they tend to only eat smaller fish or shrimp.
I have no idea what fish this is, does anybody know? Shoot me a message.
Damsel fish.
I have no idea what fish this is. If you know, leave me a comment.
School of tiny fish, no idea what kind they are. Possibly silversides, but I am far from sure.
Of course, I have to finish with the traditional summit selfie! 2 feet below sea level. A brand new low for me!


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