Quick ascent with multiple routes just off Wedge Mountain.

Quick Stats

  • Round Trip Distance:
  • Height Gain:
  • Round Trip Time:
  • Kane Rating:
    • South Ridge – Moderate
    • Northwest Ridge – Hike
  • Resources: More Scrambles in the Canadian Rockies
From what I can gather there are at least 3 routes up Limestone Mountain (maybe even 4).
The NW ridge route is mostly just a hike. The Southeast ridge is a fun scramble on fairly solid rock. And finally, the route I am taking is just straight up from the Galatea parking lot. Depending on the conditions, you might be able to ascend limestone in the winter. This cliff band can be avoided on the left.
Stopping to enjoy the views on the way up.
Depending on the year, the snow might be manageable on this little peak. In other years it can be a post-hole rough go.
Summit victory pose.
Views from the top.
Looking toward the Fortress, Fortress ridge and the spoon needle.
The wedge.
A look at the scramble route up Mount Kid.
Good views of Highway 40 and the road in (and hopefully back out). One last look around, then time to head back down.


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