Short ascent with outstanding views.

Quick Stats

  • Distance: ~8.6Km
  • Height Gain: ~710m
  • Round Trip Time: ?
  • Kane Ratting: Easy
  • Resources: Gillean Dafferns Kananaskis Country Trail Guide
The trail into the bowl by Heros Knob is a bit overgrown in places but still navigable.
But I did see this cool toad on the way in.
In early summer, there are some spectacular wildflowers doing their thing.
Ready for the big close up glamour shot!
In the bowl area on the way up to the summit.
And on the Summit!
Once the picture has been taken, it is time to leave!
We found this little grassy patch was a better place to have lunch than the small summit. Return is simply the reverse of the ascent.


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