Tiny plane to get here. (This model of plane is now made in Calgary) .You can stand in the middle of he road here…. there are almost no cars.Home for a little while, Sunset Cove.This guy would hang out around the dock.There is very little development on this island. Most of it is left in a very pristine state.Point of Sand Beach.The biggest hill on the island (seriously).The island is so flat getting around on bike is easy.I’m going to guess some Canadians live here.There are more birds on this island than people. But with a population of 150 people I guess that’s not too hard.Fancy new walkway in the forest.Drove around the entire island. Only saw three other cars the entire time. One of which belonged to the guy that rented out the scooters.I was excited to find this. Anybody know what it is? (was)This is Winston. He lives under the bar at the resort with 3 other wild Iguanas.He has been around people long enough that he will let you pet him.The minute I set my coconut down, this guy took full advantage and had a solid snack.Little Cayman “airport”. That is a road passing over the plane taxi way. You can ride your bike right beside the runway, nobody minds.Sunset, at Sunset Cove Resort.Sian getting on the wrong flight. We wouldn’t find out until we took off and headed the opposite direction we anticipated.In the center of the picture you can see the resort Sunset Cove. You can also see how little development there is here. Nice not to have the beaches crowded with hotels.