Fire lookouts always have a great view. This one has a TV!

Quick Stats

  • Distance: 9.5Km Round Trip
  • Height Gain: 650m
  • Resources: Gillean Daffern’s Kananaskis Trail Guide
Started out as a quick trip up Raspberry Ridge, things changed quickly.
A good trail leads right to the summit.
It was cold and windy on top (Traditional Summit Selfie!).
There is a TV on the summit. That is a first for me.
There is also a fire lookout. Notice the windsock pointing straight out? It was very windy. I hid behind the lookout and had lunch.
Because I was hiding behind the building I didn’t notice the fast approaching storm. Time to get out of here!
183m what a specific distance.
You can see the wall of snow approaching from the left; its not looking like I will get down in time.
And so it begins.
Good old sideways snow. I eventually made it out… obviously.


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