Mount Lorette turned out to be a very interesting ascent. Stay tuned for why. The day starts out with a nice bike ride approach that passes by this marsh.I ditched the sui-cycle near the base of the mountain and spend far more time looking for the ascent route than I am willing to admit to. Mount Lorette can be seen in the background. After some time wandering through the forest I find the ascent route. The floods of 2013 made things a bit more challenging. This is the start of the route, obvious right?Looking back down the ascent gully. I made the mistake of not bringing enough water. It was a very hot day and this gully continued forever.Looking up at the remainder of the gully. The picture doesn’t show it, but this was extremely steep and slow going, under the blazing sun. I was seriously considering turning around but didn’t want to have to come back someday in the future to finish this one off – upwards and onward.After exiting the gully I am faced with this ridge to the summit. Finally, something fun!View from the summit.Traditional Summit Selfie!Looking down the Kananaskis valley. On the right you can see the ski runs from the ski hill Nakiska, home of the downhill skiing events in the 1988 Olympics.Looking down from the summit at the marsh I passed earlier.Once I was safely back down the mountain I found a nice little island in the Kananaskis River to hang out on.Where I took a hobo bath as it was a very hot day and I was absolutely soaked in sweat and regret.Some thoughtless individual left this low quality discount beer in the river. I decide I should drink it… for science.While hanging out on the island conducting scientific research, I met an artist named Terry Chacon who was working on a painting. Her painting just happened to be of the mountain I just climbed. How cool is that? That is certainly a first for me.
Painting that Terry Chacon was working on (I stole this picture from her Facebook, not my photo)
Picture from the summit showing roughly where she was when painting. Very cool!