Marc Suggested we go for an easy scramble; mount Kent it is. The day starts out following a nice little creek with numerous waterfalls.
Marc Climbs up a fun little scrambly bit of waterfall.This one was a bit more challenging as it was higher and fairly smooth.
The creek and waterfalls continue for about an hour.
Finally, the views start to open up. This would change however.It’s hard to photograph fields of wild flowers. This picture doesn’t really do it justice. This area was full of bees going to town on the fields of flowers.Marc makes his way toward the summit. (He’s the orange dot)Traditional Summit Selfie!! Is that a goat? Yup, it is. — with Mr Goat. View from the summit. The summer of 2017 was one of the worst wildfire seasons to date. At one point in August, BC had well over 300 wildfires that burned over 300,000 hectares of land. We were about to get a good dose of the smoke from these fires.The smoke smarts to move in, fairly quickly.At this point, we could barely see the mountains beside us.Time to get out of the smoke and make a quick descent. I wonder what the equivalent number of cigarettes would be for all the smoke we inhaled on this trip? Time for some science!