Short snowshoe with great views of the Spray valley.

Quick Stats

  • Distance: 7.6Km Round Trip
  • Height Gain: 605m
  • Round Trip Time: 2h

NOTE: snowshoeing in the mountains may expose you to avalanche risk. Be sure to get the proper training or hire a guide when traveling in the backcountry in the winter.

Looking south at the parking area on the side of the road. The trail follows a cut line to the left.
Follow the cut line right to the top. If simply following a trail without having to navigate is your style, this may not be the trail for you. The area is very popular with backcountry skiers and has tracks from them heading out in all directions. Do yourself a favor and do some research before heading out. If you haven’t taken a mountain navigation class, yesterday would have been the best time, second best is today.
When you hit the top of the cutline it swings to the right a bit. You can really see how well these fire breaks work in this picture. Burnt trees on the left, green on the right.
I guess the firebreak didn’t work quite as well here.
The burnt timber does make for some nice scenery.
This is the spot where you leave the cutline and head across the creek. If you look carefully, you can see a blue ribbon in a tree marking the way.
The trail then heads up Rummel ridge in the trees for a good distance. When you start to see larch trees, you are getting close to the tree line.
Out of the trees and very close to the summit.
The views start to open up as you head up.
Mount Galatea makes an appearance as you near the summit. I’ll be taking selfies in no time!
Traditional summit selfie!
View toward spray lakes. Note that there can be a large cornice on this side of the ridge. You want to stay far away from that.
View in the other direction. I imagine on a bluebird day the views from here would be spectacular.
View across the valley toward tent ridge. Although you can drop down to Rummel lake, it may involve traveling through avalanche terrain. I suggest returning to your car the same way you came up.


Ted Lawrence · March 28, 2022 at 2:07 pm

Nice pictures! Maybe I should try this one in the summer with you.

Shawn · April 2, 2022 at 6:08 pm

Count me in!

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