The crux of an ascent of Mount Chester is finding a parking spot. The approach is the same as the very popular Chester lake trail. Mount Chester can be seen here on the approach to Chester lake.
Might as well head to Chest lake first and see what all the fuss is about. Mount Chester can be seen here in the background.
While facing Mount Chester the col just to the right of the mountain is the easiest way up.
Looking up the slope toward the Chester Col. Update: I am told after the floods of 2013 a portion of this slope washed down forcing the trail to be relocated.
View heading up the slope to the col. Update: This has likely changed after the 2013 floods.
From the col hang a left and start heading up to the summit of Chester. Looking back down at the col here.
View of the typical terrain on the way up Chester.
Of course, as you start heading up the views improve.
On the summit! If you move at a quick pace, you can be on the summit about 45 minutes after leaving Chester lake.
Looking back down the valley. Assiniboine can be seen in the distance.
Zoomed in on the ‘Boine.
Looking down on the very popular Chester Lake trail.
The views are great in every direction up here.
From here you can get a good view of the Fortress Mountain scramble route.
One last picture then it is time to get down before the afternoon thunderstorms roll in.


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