City of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The train from Sarajevo to Mostar is rumored to have incredible scenery. Things started off foggy for us. May have also been cigarette smoke, who knows.
Over 40% of the trip is either on a bridge or in a tunnel as the train slowly winds through the mountains. Every time B-ri tried to take a pic we would go into one of those tunnels.
I figured out how to take pictures outside of tunnels.
Bosnia has some spectacular mountain scenery. Their highest mountain is about 7800 feet above sea level. That’s roughly the same height as Ha-Ling peak outside Canmore.
I have read there are some hiking trails in Bosnia. The trouble is you have to worry about landmines. That’s a little too spicy for me.
The roads n Bosnia are generally in pretty good shape. They drive like maniacs, but after a while it seems normal.
Mostar was one of the most ethnically diverse cities in Bosnia. It was also one of the most heavily bombed cities during the war.
The bridge in Mostar was originally built in 1566 by the Turks. It was then destroyed in 1993. A handful of countries got together and helped the Bosnian people rebuild the bridge in 2004 (the US lent a hand but Canada didn’t).
Initially, the Croats and Muslims joined sides to expel the Serbs but shortly after they turned against each other.
In 1993 the city of Mostar was divided. Croats took over the West and forced the Bosniaks to the Eastern Side. The city suffered significant damage.
Although mostly rebuilt now, there are still reminders of the war. The city however remains divided. Each side still has their own electricity, phone, postal service etc.
During the reconstruction of the bridge, SCUBA divers would go into the river below and collect parts of the destroyed bridge. As much of the original stone was reused when possible.
It is alleged that the Croatian Defense Council (HVO) engaged in Mass executions, ethnic cleansing and rape of the Bosnian people. Thousands died.
In older times, The local men would dive off the bridge to impress the ladies. Unlike these two guys, who just use their good looks and charm . No life risking required.
Unsure that the design of the large bridge would work, the Turks built a smaller test bridge in 1558. It held up, so the big one was built 8 years later.
Whoever made this street has obviously never had to shovel snow.
Its hard to imagine that such an amazing little town has such a troubled past.


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