To get to the bottom of Mount Remus you need to ride a bike. The floods of 2013 took away this bridge. The ice cold water is a good way to wake up.
Stream crossing #2 of the day. I would end up doing 4 stream crossings this day.
Clean, clear but VERY cold water.
Peak on the left is the goal for today.
Long scree ramp to gain the ridge. It sounded like walking on broken dinner plates.
Somewhere near the top of the scree pile is supposed to be a weakness in the cliff band that allows you to reach the summit.
A little closer, trying to find a good ascent route.
The route I selected was the crack on the left.
View of the final trek to the summit.
Captain Pose on the summit! I was only the 4th entry in the register for 2015. This peak doesn’t see much traffic.
Calgary is out there somewhere.
The closer peak in the middle is Mount Glasgow which I summited a couple years ago. The distant peak is Banded Peak. Home of the (now) infamous Banded Peak Challenge. I have summited Banded Peak 6 or 7 times now.
Summit Selfie. Mount Romulus in the background. I summited it a couple years ago.
What it looks like about to descend the scree run. I love scree skiing, fast and fun way down.

1 Comment

Shawn Bags the Little Elbow – Big Elbow Loop – Kananaskis – Trip Bagger · January 1, 2022 at 9:48 pm

[…] have reached the top of the first hill when Mount Remus comes into view. More on Mount Remus here: Although most of the trail is in the trees, there are some great views along the way. This bench […]

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